According to Variety and Ain't it Cool News Michael Mann is following up his gangster flick
"Public Enemies" with the true story of war photographer Robert Capa in a film that will be based on the novel
"Waiting for Robert Capa" by Susana Fortes. The report states that the film will begin in 1935 in Paris where Capa, a refugee from Hungary meets Taro, a refugee from Nazi Germany with the intention to become photographers. Around this time the Spanish civil war broke out and the two became renowned for the work on the battlefield. For years I've hoped to see Mann tackle a period war story and seeing as the few period piece films he has done are among his best works, I can't imagine this going down poorly. Almost everything about this story seems like something that would make for a great Mann picture, a large scale back drop to a very interpersonal story. Hopefully we'll get more info on the projects progression in the coming months.
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