This time around I'm going attempt no jokes about the pain characters have inflicted upon themselves to the pain of watching this movie or it's predecessors. No because at this point that feeling is quite well known. This time around I'm just going to flat out say how I feel about "Saw VI" and I feel that it is slightly better then I expected while still being a giant hunk of shit. I find that rather impressive. From the trailers to the lackluster poster campaign this year I kept thinking that this was it, this was the crappiest one of them all (which I'm not yet denying). However I was wrong to think that it would look as cheap as it did in the trailers. While the overall production design isn't too impressive, the look and feel in "Saw VI" looks as if some money did go into it and showed up on screen. I'm not sure how much these films cost to make (I'm aware it's not very expensive though), but it looks like an effort to put forth. Now let's stop the pussy-footing around and get to the real business.
The reason this film flat out sucks is primarily the same reason most of them suck. Because it tries to provide the illusion of an intelligent horror/crime thriller by presenting the thought that throughout everyone of the movies there were clues leading us to the next film, when in fact all it is, is giving characters open ended reasons for doing things and then filling in the blanks in the sequel to provide the facade of plot depth. "Saw VI" is on par with the crappiness of "Saw IV" so yeah it's definitely one of the worst in the series in my eyes and that's because it's so damn boring. This is the sixth film and we know the structure and as it turns out theres enough meat heads out there that are willing to pay money to see the same junk over and over again. Because let's not kid ourselves these movies are all the same with the sole difference being who's in it and how are they going to die.
The traps in this film are as lame as they looks on the advertisements sans maybe two which weren't too bad. The Hoffman as Jigsaw plot working as a "Dexter" type killer cop scenario is still really dumb and finally has some headway although by the end it's not enough to close the file and hopefully end this junk. There are countless flashbacks that seem to last twenty minutes apiece and just for kicks let's discuss the social commentary within the film. Now this part actually shows a degree of intelligence. The main 'victim' here is a health insurance company head who has a formula which let's him decide who should and shouldn't be covered. During one of the flashbacks Tobin Bell's character John Kramer (or Jigsaw) is attempting to convince him to cover his experimental surgery. Things go south and thus you want the scumbag to get his. Very topical for a "Saw" movie to rip into a figure head from the newspaper. Unfortunately it excuses nothing.
This 85 minute shit pile is simply the same 86 minute shit pile from last year just with more flies circling it. For those of you who like wussy horror and I do consider this wussy horror since it can only rely on mediocre gore for scares then this will probably make you as happy as the other "Saw" films did. It's made for it's existing fan basis that thinks this is fun and everybody else simply has to endure it. For me "Saw" isn't campy enough for me to overlook how crappy it all is and how little sense it makes. Jason might be able to pull that off, but I suspect Jigsaw will never be able to do that. It might involve the creators attempting to be different instead of regurgitating the same pretentious film year after year with the goal of making stupid things appear smart and maybe scary.
"Saw VI" * out of ****
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