1. "Inception"
Christopher Nolan is arguable one of the very best writer/directors working today. He possesses that strange ability to never be showy, but to craft things so brilliantly and carefully as to make them always stand out and be unique. With "Inception" it appears he is jumping ahead another space in creativity by delivering an "extensional science fiction action thriller". The trailers in themselves are works of mysterious art by never telling you a thing other than showing off really cool shit and letting us know that Leonardo DiCaprio is rockin' the picture. But ho, not just him is on this boat; this is probably the coolest cast I've seen in a long, long time (too many to name so imdb it). Furthermore we can expect more IMAX shooting and DP Wally Pfeister will again deliver some more beautiful scenes of controlled choas. It's release date is something also that's interesting as it's due out in the middle of July, a well down no-brain zone for moviegoers, yet here comes something designed for thinking viewers, but caries along action and massive set pieces as well. Daring, very daring.
2. "Predators"
After two rotten as can be "AVP" movies, FOX got wise and wanted to revamp the 'Predator' franchise solo and brought on the Mariachi man himself Robert Rodriguez to godfather the project. So he hired Nimrod Antel (director of 'Kontroll', 'Vacancy' and 'Armored') and together they have made what looks to be a film worthy of it's title. Not only that but they brought together a cast of massive diversity and against the usual grain for this kind of film. Sure they did kind of do that with Danny Glover in "Predator 2", but we can all agree that... well... that one just isn't quite as cool as it should be; and I do like that one. But we have Adrien 'The Pianist' Brody, Alice Braga, Laurence Fishburne, Danny 'Machete' Trejo and Topher 'Foreman' Grace to name a few doing battle on the Predator home world with far less CGI than would be used for these kind of films normally. Needless to say TICKET SOLD!
3. "Scott Pilgrim vs. The World"
You've seen the trailer, tell me how many comic book movies really go this far out? Not too many sadly. Edgar Wright's the man for the job and God willing will be the man for the 'Mission Impossible 4' job (seriously that would kick ass), but here he's pulling out all the stops for a funny, crazy, manic action, romance comedy with Michael Cera workin' hard to make me like him again, fighting for the love of Mary Elizabeth Masterson ('Death Proof'). Awesome as well is that the film already comes with director approval from qusi-twin and two time Oscar nominated film maker Jason Reitman ('Thank You for Smoking', 'Juno', 'Up in the Air').
4. "Get Low"
Head to youtube right now and see this trailer. "Get Low" appears to be a dramatic mystery with humor about a cranky old hermit (Robert Duvall) who goes to town funeral home owners (Bill Murray and Lucas Black) wanting to have a funeral where he's still alive and wants the whole town to be there. But why? That's the million dollar question. Honestly I know the films been in festivals and what not, but I want no part of it. I want to go into this bad boy fresh as possible because this has greatness written all over it.
5. "Splice"
I'd love for this film to be a massive hit. Not a cult hit, but a straight as an arrow box office smash. I've tried to keep my readings of this low, but I've been seeing stuff for it for a long while now and everything about this story is unsettling. Again we see the greatness that is Adrian Brody gracing the screen along with Sally Polley! Seriously we need more of her, either as an actress or a director. Produced by Guillermo Del Toro and directed by 'Cube' creator Vincenzo Natali, it is my hope that "Splice" won't be a fall by the wayside horror film for the summer, but something people really flock to.
6. "Centurion"
I'm a huge Neil Marshall fan. Seriously I grew up watching John Carpenter movies (good and bad) and Marshall is the only guy I've seen tap into a lot of the same feelings that classic Carpenter did. "Centurion" had a surprise premiere at SXSW this March and from what I hear did really well, it's currently set for a limited release, but hopefully that extends. Basically what we have is a Roman sword and sandal picture about the Roman legion that went missing. Lead by former 'Basterd' Michael Fassbnder, the film follows the few survivors being hunted across the countryside by former Bond girl Olga Kurylenko, whose characters family was killed and her raped and her tongue cut out. Again TICKET SOLD!
7. "The Other Guys"
I've got a soft spot for Will Ferrell movies. Sure a lot of them aren't too good, but there are those select titles that still do the job. He reunites with 'Anchorman', 'Talladega Nights' and 'Step Brothers' director Adam McKay for a cop action comedy which boast a cast including Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L. Jackson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Keaton, Eva Mendas, Ray Stevenson and Damon Waynes Jr.. The trailer works well, the set up appears to work even better and really THIS is the kind of movie Kevin Smith's "Cop Out" wanted to seem like. I really hope it works out.
8. "Robin Hood"
Ridley Scott's return to ye ole ass kicking movies... or shall we say butt kicking considering it's PG-13 rating. Either way it's a Ridley Scott film in which Russell Crowe plays Robin Hood, Cate Blanchet, Maid Marian, William fucking Hurt as the King and Mark Strong as the random badass whose name escapes me right now that Robin must fight. It doesn't have me feeling like it's destined for greatness, but it could be a lot of fun. Plus Ridley's going anti-CGI with a lot of the battle sequences I hear. Me thinks there will be true grit.
9. "The Last Airbender"
Yeah that's right, I'm looking forward to this. Make your M. Night Shyamalan jokes and I won't disagree, but I like the dude. Despite everything he's stuck to what he wants to do and not what's popular in the eyes of everyone else. I respect that even if they do make things I'm not really digging. Now, I hate the idea of 3Ding this so late in the game... or for that matter 3Ding it at all; however as a 2D film I'm very much liking the crazy, batshit fantasy stuff. I'm sure when the film drops it won't be some masterpiece or necessarily a groundbreaking fantasy picture, but his ideas seem in the right place and being a fan of the cartoon series (yep, I used to watch it at work on slow days and online) he appears to be getting a lot of that same tone. I do hope it's not all doom and gloom though as Ang did have fun in life even with people after him. I hate when humor is lost from characters, that's what often displays their humanity best.
10. "Iron Man 2"
It's taken a while, but the hype machine and good word of mouth has gotten into my head. Also Tyler Stout's killer poster really made me think that this might be the geek delight the first was supposed to be. I maintain that I wasn't blown away by the first movie. I think it had some good ideas, Downey Jr. made a nice character albeit softer than the source material character (but understandably so) however the action sequences were highly lacking and the climax was kind of bland for me. I have seen the beginning of the film and first off I love the dirtier look of it and the tone. Rourke may have a classic villain role on his hands and I've heard nothing but good things about the rest of the lot. I'm still not super, super excited, but I am really hoping this sequel works better than the first.
Neil Jordan's Irish-ed up version of Ron Howard's 'Splash' but it appears to have a strong romantic line to it that's less goofy fun and more stone faced. I'm a mild Jordan fan, but the mild cheese in it's trailer and all did interest me. Serious toned fantasy is really tough so I'm damn interested to see if he can pull this off.
-" Toy Story 3"
It takes quite a bit for me to really, really get super excited for Pixar movies now. Maybe when "John Carter of Mars" rolls around that will change, but I think it just has to do with the lack of difference in many of their pictures. I have no doubt 'Toy Story 3' will be good (like 99% of Pixar products). I like the trailers, the 3D is probably alright and the whole cast (sans the late Jim Varney) is back.
-"Piranha 3-D"
I may not love 3D, but anyone willing to exploit it for extra fun and NOT just for extra cash is cool with me. I really had fun with "My Bloody Valentine 3D" last January (the creators of that by the way have a 3D follow up called "Drive Angry" with Nic Cage that sounds like the coolest thing since 'Grindhouse') and now 'The Hill Have Eyes' remake director Alex Aja is getting in there with flying man eating fish and apparently double D breasts in three dimensions. Not what I'd call classy but the casting of Elizabeth Shue, Ving Rhames, Richard Dreyfuss, Jerry O' Connell and Christopher 'Doc Brown' Llyod sell the movie for me. Good times ahead hopefully. Good trashy, nasty and bloody times.
A heist film produced and starring rapper T.I. doesn't really sound to awesome. But throw in Matt Dillian, Idris Elba, Michael Early (who we need more of), Paul Walker, Jay Hernandez, Zoe Saldana, Chris 'Rihanna beatin' Brown and even Hayden Christensen mixed with a very mainstream flashy, but kind of cool trailer and it's enough to get a rise outta me. Particularly the Mann-inspired digital photography during portions of it. The plot seems like a straight and narrow heist/double cross story, but who knows. Could be something more to it, could be less. Screen Gems once in a while does surprise me with something fresher than expected and I'm hoping this handsome looking picture is it.
-"The Expendables"
Honestly I love the idea more than the trailer. Granted there's some cool shit blowing up throughout and we get a nice glimpse at the impressive cast of today and yesterday action heroes, but then the final piece of it includes a lame as hell song-movie tie in that's piss. However that aside the fact that there exists a movie that has Stallone, Schwarzenegger and Willis all on one frame of film gets me all giddy. I think I'll wear my Rambo shirt to this one.
-"The A-Team"
Another man on a mission movie, but with the PG-13 treatment (more than likely). The trailer is packed with retarded sequences that are impossible and almost hilariously impossible, but I did hit that age when I watched a shit ton of old tv shows and The A-Team was one of my favorites. I think the casting was quite impressive and I dig director Joe Carnahan a lot and really hope we get HIS film and not a FOX film, which considering his very vocal nature I'm guessing we're getting his. Easily the film could go too crazy and end up like 'Charlie's Angels', but with any luck it'll land just a few blocks away from self-parody.
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