Overall I liked but forgot "Iron Man 2". Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood" was nice spectacle, but still a B-Scott film. "Get Him to the Greek" was a fun enough ride and then there's the careful-who-you-tell-you-like "Splice" ;which has divided viewers and placed them in the love it or hate zones. Pretty much everything else has been crap.
I guess these times occur. I remember a few years back during Oscar season critics and audiences could easily say that a lot of the films had great performances (like Philip Seymour Hoffman in "Capote"), but the movies weren't really as good (also like "Capote"). However here and there are sprinkled films that remind you of why these times of the year is supposed to be great for movies; whether it's for fun or for acclaim. While I'll say 'The A-Team' isn't greatness, I will say that it is a subtle reminder and example of why the summer season is fun. TV to movie adaptations can be rough. There's that fan basis you have to attract who want fucking everything from the show top to bottom on the screen and for some reason feel that it's owed to them. Then there's casting, finding a story that works well enough for a movie NOT an extended episode of the show and finally getting somebody behind the camera that can bring the baby home. For my money the best two are still Andrew Davis' "The Fugitive" and Brian DePalma's "Mission:Impossible". Both got it right and both work well still.
For FOX the wanted to gather themselves a damn good team to make work a four year running show that was influential, the butt of many jokes and relished in it's ridiculousness. Personally I'm a moderate fan of the show. I used to watch the re-runs on TNN (now Spike TV) and after a long while of never understanding why people liked it, it hooked me in. Mainly Murdock... but it hooked me. Here they update the whole pack and deliver jokes that work, characters that are quite like that of the series and equally fun to watch and action sequences that... are absurd but in that kind of "that was pretty fucking cool and extremely unrealistic" way. Liam Neeson's Hannibal has charm and is always fun to see play around in this type of film. While I wasn't a lover 'Taken', I do have to say it's reinvented his career in a great way. Bradley Cooper's Faceman is pretty spot on. Cooper's a funny guy and I do remember seeing him a few movies pre-'The Hangover' that really dug him in, so it's cool seeing his expansion into this genre. "District 9" star Sharlto Copley never quite over plays Murdock. He hits the right notes that play into his humor and insanity and keep you wanting more. And finally UFC fighter Quinton 'Rampage' Jackson. Not bad for a first film. Granted this isn't 'Hamlet', but he still did a more that passable job of playing B.A. Baracus and not trying to copy Mr. T. Patrick Wilson is also here playing a nasty and quirky CIA man and Jessica Biel as a former lover interest of Faceman's and the person in charge of finding them all after they escape custody.
Co-writer and director Joe Carnahan ('Smokin' Aces' and 'Narc') works hard to make it much more of a character piece (like with his previous films) rather than as a simple and straight shooting action movie. That said there is no shortage of over the tip-top action sequences and it gets pretty damn ridiculous in that big final act. I'd have loved to have seen some of the big and ridiculous scenes done CGI-less, however I'm fully aware that attempting to fly a tank doesn't work too well in real life. Seriously though there is some less than lovely CGI pieces coupled with the really nice looking ones and they practical effects work (which there's a lot of). I do wish that was more evened out. But never know could be something to work on for a sequel.
"The A-Team" is probably the single most entertaining action film of the summer thus far and that's what this season is about. (RANT ALERT) I've honestly hit a boiling point where I've lost all tolerance for the elitist film pushers. Yeah... I'm fucking balling my eyes out that's I'm not renting your fucking Fellini or Goddard films. And yes I'm well aware (probably more so than you) of what foreign films are coming to America and why I should see them. Guess what... just because it's from another goddamn country DOESN'T MAKE IT GOOD! And pardon me all to hell if I wanna watch something with less substance from time to time. I'm fucking sorry you're pissed that people like "Avatar"; guess what I'm pissed that people think "Cold Mountain" is a good movie and that Renee Zellweger deserved her Oscar for it! I'm pissed that people seem to think Jonnie To is the next John Woo and I'm pissed that most Criterion DVD are hard to find and really fucking expensive. I'm pissed that people actually think that Vincent Gallo is an artist instead of the dirty, pretentious, tactless prick he is. But by no means bombard me with your sophomoric peddling of older films that you know you're supposed to like and thus you do even if you don't understand it. It doesn't impress me, it just pisses me off because if there's one thing I hate (hahahaha... like there's only one thing...) it's elitists film pushers. (RANT ended)
So... hmmmm... I was talking about something... oh yeah "The A-Team"! If you like fun, mindless movies that don't attempt to do anything other than allow you have a good time and say fuck off to 90 degree weather, than this is it.
All I want to say is... I hope to watch The A-Team soon!
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