Saturday, September 5, 2009

Best Films of the Summer

Sadly enough I didn't see nearly as many summer flicks as I usually do and I missed a few that I was really excited for like "The Hurt Locker" and "(500) Days of Summer", but at the same time there was a ton of really, really impressive and fun summer films that I did see. Some bigger than others, but equally great. Now instead of doing a list, I've decided to just do as I did with my worst list and discuss the ones I loved the most. Oh... and there's more than three.

I'll begin with the first great summer film I saw and that was "Star Trek". This is real sci-fi adventure. Not action or any other sub genre, this is the real deal. J.J. Abrams proves AGAIN why he is considered one of the most impressive and original talents in Hollywood, by taking something like this franchise and not just giving it a face lift but giving it enough pop for both older and newer audiences. His casting choices were perfect, effects were dramatic and Michael Giacchino's score is PERFECT for this film. Definitely one of the best this year.

Next is Sam Raimi's more than impressive directorial return to horror. "Drag Me to Hell" marked the "Spider-Man" franchise's director's first horror picture since "Army of Darkness" in 1991 and this is about as perfect a Raimi film as it can get. Allison Lohman's main character development is great to see as she goes from sheepish office girl, to curse fighting badass. Also this film is tearfully funny. It's clear that Raimi has NOT lost his touch by any means and it just makes us long for an "Evil Dead 4" or some more of his brand of horror-humor. Definitely one of the best PG-13 horror films I've seen in recent memory.

Michael Mann's "Public Enemies" is probably his strongest film in his digital film making portfolio. Johnny Depp and Marion Colliard's performances are flawless in their realism. The film itself is a mix of crystal clear digital picture and very gritty and intense photography by Dante Spanotti (a Mann alumni from "The Last of the Mohican's", "Heat" and "The Insider") . All wrapped up in a great epic crime drama that's up among the most impressive gangster pictures of the 2000's.

The final few are ones I've talked about extensively since starting the site. The first being Judd Apatow's dramedy "Funny People" that show cased a slew of great performances. Among them Adam Sandler's somewhat self-reflective lead character that shows he can still be funny and can be dramatic and believable. Then there's the sci-fi thriller "District 9" which invokes the spirit of an independent film mixed with James Cameron's "Aliens". And finally the center piece to it all, Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds", a masterwork that's far better than I could've imagined and with far more layers then I expected.

So now we await to see what the fall and winter bring us this year. A lot of really impressive comedies are coming up by a lot of big names. I think the Oscar race this year will be interesting with 10 Best Picture spots open, it's very possible that a film that doesn't come out between November and January could get in for change. And who knows what other surprises lay in wait. Till next time guys.

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