That said while also watching it now-a-days... it hasn't aged well. There are still scenes that invoke tension and a quick jolt of fear, but now it's known for being the birth of Freddy. Wes Craven has spoke out against the idea of any remake of this film and while to some I'm sure that's like God himself telling you directly to repent, I see it as just talk coming from the same man who brought us 'Cursed', 'Vampire in Brooklyn', 'Scream 3', 'The People Under the Stairs', 'Shocker' and worst of all 'The Hills Have Eyes 2' (both for directing the original sequel and co-writing the remake's sequel). In fact I do somewhat wonder how he got to be considered such a horror-master.
In any case producer Michael Bay said to hell with it (as I'm sure he often does) and went for it anyway with veteran music video director Samuel Bayer at the helm and "Watchmen" and "Little Children" star Jackie Earle Haley as Kruger (a spirited choice).
I like the trailer. I like what they appear to be doing with it although I would've liked to have seen less re-made scenes from the original and a few more dream set pieces as Bayer's past works show those should be exceptional. I'm not a complete hater of Platinum Dunes either. I think they've had a lot of failures (i.e. 'The Unborn', 'The Amityville Horror' and 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning' [which is still better then any of the original sequels]), but when they work, they're quite fun. Plus Bay's concept of taking no-name film makers and giving them their big break is admirable. Hopefully we'll see more as time roles on and it'll sweeten the pot as it were. Haley as Kruger seems like a great pick and hopefully they'll be aiming more for scares than for laughs as the 'Nightmare...' sequels eventually went for.
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